State of Groove (2023)

Enjoy this funky new iteration of the trio as the group releases their sophomore album. Robert Mason is excited to bring his group to the big stage as they perform at the Columbus Jazz and Ribs Fest, as well as the Springfield Jazz and Roots Festival in 2023.

Out now on, Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon, and more

Personnel: Reggie Jackson - drums, Joshua Hill- guitar, Robert Mason- Organ

State of Soul (2019)

Robert Mason debuts his first album, State of Soul featuring a blend of jazz and soulful sounds. Intimate and fresh, the trio mindfully infuses traditional and modern elements, while keeping a youthful spirit throughout the album.

personnel: Willie Barthel iii- drums, John Phillip Allen- bass, Robert Mason-piano

Out now on, Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon, Google Play, and more