Robert Mason is a pianist, teacher, and organist from Columbus, Ohio. His personal group, the Robert Mason Trio released their debut album, “State of Soul” in 2019, featuring a blend of jazz and soulful sounds. Robert is excited to debut his newest project as an organ trio, “State of Groove”. Robert has performed at venues and events such as: Creekside Blues & Jazz Festival, Columbus Jazz and Ribs Festival, the Lincoln Theatre (Columbus, OH), Blu Jazz+ (Akron, OH), The Refectory (Columbus), Natalies Music Hall & Kitchen (Columbus). As an artist, he has performed with musicians such as: James Gaiters, Dwight Adams, Bobby Floyd, Kevin Turner, Reggie Jackson, Cedric Easton, Milton Ruffin, George Delancey, Tony Mcclung, Shawn Wallace, Eddie Bayard, Dwight Bailey, Jim Rupp.


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Great musician! When he plays, he initiates and inspires sophisticated but friendly musical conversations with other players on stage. He’s tasteful and eloquent, but also down to earth. This is a very mature approach for such young musician. But it doesn’t surprise me...his personality, when off stage, is exactly the same
— Bobby Floyd
Robert is an incredibly talented humble giant! His devotion to his craft makes him shine brilliantly!
— Tony Monaco